Separately Managed Accounts

Managed ETF Portfolio – Income

Investment Objective

To generate long-term growth of capital through market appreciation and income generation. 

Investment Team

The portfolio is managed by the Quantitative Strategies Group, a team of tenured research professionals who are responsible for portfolio positioning and construction.


As of 12/31/2024



1 Year


3 Year


5 Year


10 Year





The portfolio is a globally diversified, actively-allocated multi-asset class collection of ETFs with a focus on income generation.

25% - 55% Equities

Investment Process

Asset allocation is determined through a qualitative assessment of a complementary set of quantitative indicators. In managing the portfolio, a “top-down” approach is used to identify areas of opportunity and risk and adjust the portfolio’s asset allocation as the market and economic environment changes. The goal is to allocate assets toward areas where risks are low and opportunities are high, and similarly, avoid areas of the market demonstrating high risk and low opportunity. The firm's Investment Policy Group first issues broad guidance for multi-asset class portfolio asset allocation based on the firm's economic and market outlook. Then, using a variety of economic, valuation, liquidity, and sentiment data, Manning & Napier’s Quantitative Strategies Group makes stock/bond asset allocation decisions as well as more specific asset class, sector, region, or country allocation decisions based on their indicators’ assessment of the likely risk/reward of each asset class. Once the desired asset class mix is determined, ETFs are selected based on desired market exposure, structure, and cost of ownership (expense ratios, trading costs, etc.) to achieve the target asset allocation.

The Manning & Napier Managed ETF Portfolio – Income Composite (MEP – Income), previously known as the Fi360 ETF – Income Composite, is a weighted average of separately managed accounts managed under the MEP – Income strategy. Accounts in this composite must have a market value greater than $100,000 and tenure of at least one month under our management. The MEP – Income strategy has a blended investment objective that invests in exchange-traded funds, primarily U.S. equity with some non-U.S. equity, and fixed income exchange-traded funds. The primary objective of accounts in this composite is the pursuit of growth of capital, with an emphasis on income generation, at a level adequate to preserve the long-term purchasing power of assets. Equity exposure for accounts in this composite typically ranges from 25% to 55% with situational adjustments within this range at our discretion. Net-of-fee returns shown reflect the deduction of a model advisory fee applied to the Gross-of-fee returns on a monthly basis. The model advisory fee is determined by applying the strategy’s tiered fee schedule to every account included in the composite, and is inclusive of management fees, advisory fees, and custody fees for Manning & Napier’s affiliated trust company, Exeter Trust Company. Actual account level fees will vary with size and circumstances and these fee differentials would impact returns accordingly. Returns shown do not reflect the deduction of fees paid to an investor’s personal financial advisor, solicitations fees, or third-party custodian costs, as applicable. Past performance does not guarantee future results. All returns were earned in USD and are stated here in USD. All data are subject to revision. Performance for periods greater than one year is annualized.

Investment Objective

To generate long-term growth of capital through market appreciation and income generation. 

Investment Team

The portfolio is managed by the Quantitative Strategies Group, a team of tenured research professionals who are responsible for portfolio positioning and construction.


The portfolio is a globally diversified, actively-allocated multi-asset class collection of ETFs with a focus on income generation.

25% - 55% Equities


As of 12/31/2024



1 Year


3 Year


5 Year


10 Year




Investment Process

Asset allocation is determined through a qualitative assessment of a complementary set of quantitative indicators. In managing the portfolio, a “top-down” approach is used to identify areas of opportunity and risk and adjust the portfolio’s asset allocation as the market and economic environment changes. The goal is to allocate assets toward areas where risks are low and opportunities are high, and similarly, avoid areas of the market demonstrating high risk and low opportunity. The firm's Investment Policy Group first issues broad guidance for multi-asset class portfolio asset allocation based on the firm's economic and market outlook. Then, using a variety of economic, valuation, liquidity, and sentiment data, Manning & Napier’s Quantitative Strategies Group makes stock/bond asset allocation decisions as well as more specific asset class, sector, region, or country allocation decisions based on their indicators’ assessment of the likely risk/reward of each asset class. Once the desired asset class mix is determined, ETFs are selected based on desired market exposure, structure, and cost of ownership (expense ratios, trading costs, etc.) to achieve the target asset allocation.

The Manning & Napier Managed ETF Portfolio – Income Composite (MEP – Income), previously known as the Fi360 ETF – Income Composite, is a weighted average of separately managed accounts managed under the MEP – Income strategy. Accounts in this composite must have a market value greater than $100,000 and tenure of at least one month under our management. The MEP – Income strategy has a blended investment objective that invests in exchange-traded funds, primarily U.S. equity with some non-U.S. equity, and fixed income exchange-traded funds. The primary objective of accounts in this composite is the pursuit of growth of capital, with an emphasis on income generation, at a level adequate to preserve the long-term purchasing power of assets. Equity exposure for accounts in this composite typically ranges from 25% to 55% with situational adjustments within this range at our discretion. Net-of-fee returns shown reflect the deduction of a model advisory fee applied to the Gross-of-fee returns on a monthly basis. The model advisory fee is determined by applying the strategy’s tiered fee schedule to every account included in the composite, and is inclusive of management fees, advisory fees, and custody fees for Manning & Napier’s affiliated trust company, Exeter Trust Company. Actual account level fees will vary with size and circumstances and these fee differentials would impact returns accordingly. Returns shown do not reflect the deduction of fees paid to an investor’s personal financial advisor, solicitations fees, or third-party custodian costs, as applicable. Past performance does not guarantee future results. All returns were earned in USD and are stated here in USD. All data are subject to revision. Performance for periods greater than one year is annualized.

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